Monday, December 21, 2020

Jorvik Star Issue 9: Christmas Edition Part 1 🎄

 🎄★Jorvik Star★🎄

Issue 9 ★ December Month

A Note from the Writer/Editor: 

So sorry this issue was a bit later than planned. Christmas time is so busy and chaotic, especially this year, that I completely forgot to post the day after the update! I'm going to just give a summary and my thoughts and talk about the new Generation 3 Jorvik Friesian since that's this week's Wednesday update. Hopefully in 2021 there will be more amazing updates so I will feel like posting an update every week, give or take a couple weeks, especially if vacations are able to happen again soon. 
I will try to post a special post either on Christmas Day or the day after where I will give my full review of Heidrun. 

-Ruby Skywalker ♥
P.S. Let me know if you think new fonts added to the posts look good or not, especially the new "signature" ! ♥

It's Christmas!

It's officially Christmas in Jorvik! Snow is falling everywhere, even though the magic of the island keeps it from covering the ground, helping to keep the flora and fauna happy. The rivers and lakes, however, have somehow frozen over. We can now cross rivers without taking the bridge, making traveling around Jorvik so much easier, especially getting from Firgrove area to Moorland or Fort Pinta. 

Animals such as bears, moose, deer, and even penguins have joined in on the fun, and may even tag along on your journey! 

Wild Brinicles, Fawncys and Heidruns have come out of hiding to be tamed.

Oh, and James is up to his money-making schemes again. Now he's getting people to pay Jorvik Shillings to play in a pile of snow. 

Many of the residents have gathered inside the stables with blankets, pillows, and delicious cookies and might even tell a story.

Winter is also the best time to spot the Northern Lights at night. If you  are more active during the night hours you'll definitely be able to see them.

The elves at the Christmas Village decided to put out gifts every day for everyone to open and get a special gift. Don't worry if you're unable to log on or forget, it will still be there waiting. You might get tack, horse xp, player xp, or even some Jorvik Shillings or treats for your horse. 

And keep an eye out for Sunshine Joytree. She's set out some telescopes and a book about Jorvik's Zodiac signs.

The Jorvik Friesians

I don't have my own yet, and I haven't seen them in-game yet, so I'll add to my thoughts in another post. However, I do know as of their release a lot of people have complaints, mostly on animations, and more specifically the mane and tail. I will have a while before I get my own Gen 3 Friesian, but for now I'm going to stick to my Friesian Sport for dressage until I get the rest of the horses I want. The Jorvik Friesian is on my list for sure, but I'm focusing on getting a Jorvik Wild after I get Heidrun, and a few others on my list. 

I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas! I will post the next issue on Saturday or Sunday.

-Ruby Skywalker ♥

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Why I don't post Jorvik Star News on certain weeks.

 I'm trying to post The Jorvik Star News every week on a Thursday, Friday, or Saturday at 12pm Eastern Time. However, I may not post if the update is really small and doesn't have much I can talk about.

Also, since I'm not the best at saving SC, my reviews on new horses will likely be a while after they've come, unless I'm lucky enough to get it soon. 

Just wanted to write this so y'all don't get worried if I don't post weekly. I'm still here.

Also, I wasn't able to post my fall photoshoot this year, but I'm hoping to do a Wintertime Photoshoot to post maybe in January themed to the post SSO made with one-word photo ideas. Since I don't have Instagram, I'll just do one big photoshoot and post it here when I'm done!

-Ruby Skywalker❤

P.S: Stay tuned this Thursday for my Christmas Edition Part 1 of Jorvik Star News!

Saturday, November 21, 2020

Names Ideas for the Jorvik Wild Horses

  Here's a list of name ideas for the new Jorvik Wild Horses, in case you're in need of name ideas.

For the Sapphire Herd...
































For the Mantle Herd...






For Embermane...
















Stay tuned for a Christmas and Winter Name Ideas. 

-Ruby Skywalker ♥

Sunday, November 15, 2020

Jorvik Star Issue 8

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 8 ★ Week of November 8 - 14

Welcome to Wild Woods

Star Stable has officially opened the North Mistfall area, despite earlier in the year saying there would not be a new area in 2020.
The new area is called Wild Woods. It's a beautiful redwood tree filled forest filled with wildlife, some seen commonly such as rabbits, squirrels, snakes, owls, birds, and spiders, plus possibly bear and deer in the future.

You'll need to have unlocked Mistfall, reached level 16, and have finished the quest of talking to Rania after the elections to start the quest to explore Wild Woods. Just talk to Alonso at the Ranger Station in Mistfall to begin the journey with new rangers Rowan, Nova, Astrid, Tiera, Enitan and Yousef.

While in Wild Woods, you can switch to the new Redwood Point Stable, do stable chores, shop for new Jorvik Rangers gear, enjoy a new photo collection with Brissie the Horse, and enjoy two races, a Show Jumping race you'll unlock in the quests and Orienteering which will unlock after getting enough reputation. 

There's a hot air balloon trailer to help you go to and from Wild Woods. 

SSO has said they will add more to Wild Woods throughout the new few months.

The New Chat Changes

The New Chat Filter should be in testing in all servers now. I'm yet to see it myself as I haven't logged on since Wednesday, but I'll let y'all know my thoughts ASAP!

Coming Next Week...

 "Now when you can go beyond previously known ground, who knows what horses might appear?" - SSO News

I think it's definitely referring to Wild Woods; Perhaps the second batch of Jorvik Wild Horses will be there? Just a guess. 

-Ruby Skywalker ♥ 

Thursday, October 22, 2020

Jorvik Star: Issue 7

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 6 ★ Week of October 18 - 24 

Halloween in Jorvik!

Galloper's Keep Has Returned.

Halloween has returned to Jorvik, but with a Pandoric Twist. Galloper's Keep is back, but Ydris has discovered it and decided to crash the Halloween party!
Here's a summary of what you'll be able to do at Galloper's Keep this year.

•Throw soul shards into the cauldron for prizes. This year's shards are pink and you'll find them in a new way this year.
•Experience Galloper's Past Race; The scarecrow hill race; and a brand-new Haunted Trail Ride.
•Explore the shops! There's one for spooky magic powders for your starter horse; a shop that sells masks (including brand-new masks); and one that sells clothes and tack including two new sets: a Cat Witch Costume and a Magician Costume.
•Buy the Black Cat and Gourd Pet from last year's pumpkin hunt, as well as a brand-new pet, a skeleton ghost cat
•Pepita, Woodear, and the Galloper Thompson Whinfell have returned along with a brand-new horse: A Skeleton Ghost American Quarter Horse called Tombhoof.

The New Haunted Trail Ride

This new trail ride can be started by going in the portal for it at Galloper's Keep. It's the same style trail ride as the Red String Trail Ride, but takes place the same route as the Light Ride: The new trails at Goldenhills. It's a random encounter trail ride. It is very scary and has not just ghosts, but also many creatures that chase you through Aideen's Whisper including a wolf, bear, possibly snakes, and a very large spider.
Also, if you like ghost stories, sit at the campfire and the NPCs will tell a Ghost Story. So far I've experienced two: One about a yeti and one about the Glue Man.
The first time you complete the trail ride each day you'll get horse experience, but you can do the trail multiple times, just no reward at the end (Well, except for escaping the place, that's rewarding enough)

The Great Pumpkin Hunt Has Returned!

Or at least, I think its great fun. The locations are the same as last year (2 locations in the Forest, on the hill near Jasper's Pumpkin Farm, Between the Pumpkin Farm and championship, and by Scarecrow Hill.), but spawning times have changed. 
After starting the search by talking to Jasper at Jasper's Pumpkin Farm and collecting the first pumpkin, you can get 5 more.
After these 5, you'll have to wait 20 minutes for the next pumpkin.
Once you get this one pumpkin, you have to wait 40 minutes, and so forth.
Check the board beside where you can turn in your golden pumpkins (both the one at Galloper's Keep and the Pumpkin Farm) to see how much longer until it spawns.

Instead of needing 50 Golden Pumpkins like last year's prize, you only need 20 for this year's, which is a purple and white striped gourd pet. The rest of the prizes are a hat, shirt, pants, shoes, saddle, bridle, saddle pad, saddle bag, and then shards, horse treats, magic powder, or horse experience. 
Remember, like last year, when you click to turn in for a prize that's listed multiple prizes, it randomly chooses one for you. 


This year for collecting soul shards, instead of the usual search-and-find, you'll have to look for a ghostly tornado. It appears once an hour and is easy to spot. Once you see it, find it and there will be a ghost. Talk to the ghost and the soul shards will appear. Collect all 20 to receive 1 soul shard to get prizes. You'll need 5 soul shards to turn in per prize, but with the extras from races and the ghost maze it shouldn't be hard to collect them all!

The Castle Maze Game

The Spooky Halloween maze has returned to Silverglade Castle, with an awesome new change: You can now move around with the minimap on. Simply cluck the "Surveillance Camera" button. You're character will have a green circle around it with a green arrow. The arrow is what direction you're facing. Move like you normally would to navigate the maze.
I totally recommend this if you find the maze too hard or maybe too overwhelming. This way it's no different than a Halloween version of Pac-Man! After getting used to the controls I found it a lot easier to navigate through and avoid ghosts and not panic because I missed just one pumpkin - you can get them all

The Ghost Train

The Ghost Train is back at it's usual spot again.

Halloween lasts in Jorvik from now through November 4th!

Other News, About News?

SSO added a new news pop-up that comes up when you login. It'll only come up if you have the content unlocked. To see it again, click the button that looks like a megaphone that's now next to the photomode button.

Until next week!
-Ruby Skywalker ♥

Friday, October 16, 2020

Jorvik Star: Issue 6

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 6 ★ Week of October 11 - 17

A Show Jumping Grand Prix

The H&M Grand Prix has arrived in Jorvik! You can try out the Show Jumping Course at Jorvik Stables Arena by talking to Zuri. It will be in Jorvik from now until the November 4th Update.

More On the New Chat Filter

Recently SSO started testing a new change to the chat filter system, where instead of the annoying and usually confusing warning popping up on screen, you'd not see your chat enter in the chat and instead a message saying "Your message was not approved for chat" so you can reword or rethink what you were saying. 

It was currently being tested in the UK on one server Cupcake Valley, but is now in all UK servers as well as Australia/New Zealand, Germany, Poland, Sweden, Hungary and the Netherlands. 

I hope the tests continue well and that we see it in the North American servers soon. 

A New Redeem Code

Along with the H&M Grand Prix, SSO released a code for a Team H&M Jacket. Go to the Star Stable Online Website, log in, and then under your My Account click Redeem Code and type in: WELOVEHORSES to get yours!

Star Stable Horses App Update:

The Black Curly Horse has officially arrived on the Star Stable Horses App! 

Next Week's Update...

According to the SSO News page...
 "Ready for the spookiest event of the year? We are!"

 I know I'm excited for 🎃 to return in Jorvik! 👻

-Ruby Skywalker ♥ 

Saturday, October 10, 2020

Horse Name Ideas - Fall & Halloween Edition

 With Halloween coming up and Halloween horses, here's a list of Fall and Halloween Horse Name Ideas








































Hope these names give you great names for Halloween horses, and let me know other great one in the comments! 

-Ruby Skywalker ♥

Thursday, October 8, 2020

Jorvik Star Issue 5

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 5 ★ Weeks of September 27 - October 3 & October 4 - 10

Why Two Weeks?

I was going to do one, but since the recent update doesn't have a ton of new stuff I've combined both weeks into one. This may or may not be the only time this happens.

The 2020 SSO Birthday Event

Star Stable Online is celebrating their Ninth Birthday! Remember to use the code BIRTHDAYFUN for a crazy balloon pet, flower bouquet for saddle bag, Fripp ears and Birthday Cake Hat. 

The main event takes place in Moorland, so Non Star Riders can enjoy some of it! A lot of it is similar to Midsummer, but here's what's there.

  • Take Evergray, Madison or Rania on a ride with you! Simply talk to them at the event location to let them hop onto your horse to join you on some adventures! Then when you're done, just ride back to where you picked them up to let them hop off. 
  • Talk to the "Birthday Girl" to start the Golden Horseshoes Hunt. You'll find them around Moorland, Fort Pinta, Firgrove, Valedale and Silverglade. There's a lot of videos on YouTube or lists of their locations around if you don't want to search yourself, but if you have time to search yourself they're pretty easy to find. You won't have to find them all, since find some plus the bonus from the Birthday Races are more than enough for this year's Birthday Set. Turn in the horseshoes to the "Birthday Girl" to receive the Birthday Set tack and clothes. Once you've completed the set, you can sell the extra horseshoes for Jorvik Shillings, as far as I know anyway, but not very much. Some people have chosen to save the extra horseshoes for next year, but after what SSO did with Halloween and Christmas currencies I'm not sure saving them for next year is worth it. 
  • The Birthday Set: The colors for this year are shades of blue and purple. Since last year contained Orange, mt least favorite color, and this year includes purple, I like this year's set better. It includes a sweater/long sleeved shirt, a dress, pants, boots, hat? (not sure), saddle, saddlepad, bridle, open front leg wraps and saddlebag.
  • The Birthday Race is a daily extra race to gain bonus golden horseshoes and horse xp. Just click the racing board at the party area to find out where it is located.

The Birthday Event will be around until the October 14th update!I

October 7th Update: New Meaning to Jorvik Wild Horses.

The old Jorvik Wild Horses are going to be called Magic Horses or by a specific name (Solas and Dorcha, etc) to make room for the new breed of horse exclusive to Jorvik (Not a real life breed, like the Jorvik Warmblood.) the Jorvik Wild Horse. 

You can find the official trailer video from Star Stable Online by clicking this star: 

The horses released Wednesday, October 7th. They cost 975 SC, and have two unique animations: the ability to lay down by pressing space bar when standing still and a move similar to the Icelandic's tölt or Curly's Curly Shuffle, activated the same way. They are a draft horse with some unique colors, markings and mane/tail styles, but these horses do not change color. They are said to be from North Mistfall.
The first four will be found three in Valedale and one in Fort Pinta.
I will do a review when I get one but it will be a while. I

New In Valedale...

The horse sales area in Valedale got a makeover. The large stable fixture has been removed and instead the horses stand by the logs like in other areas. Seems like they're working on Valedale then. Wonder if there will be more updates there soon?

Coming Next Week...

According to the SSO News page...
 "Have you ever dreamed about riding a proper show jumping grand prix? Well if so, your dream is about to come true!"


Soul Riders Book Series News...

SSO has announced that the third Soul Riders book will be out in February 2021. 

-Ruby Skywalker ♥

Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Our next new horse is coming October 7th. SSO announced the Jorvik Wild Horses will no longer be called Jorvik Wild Horses and instead will be given a name (Like Dorcha & Solas, Fawncy, etc) to make way for the first new breed exclusive to Jorvik, the Jorvik Wild Horse. 

It's a very interesting looking horse with cool new animations and a fun backstory. 

With the September 30th Update being the SSO Birthday Party update, there's a new code BIRTHDAYFUN

The code gives 100 SC, a birthday cake hat, Fripp ears, a balloon pet and a pretty bouquet of flowers (pet) for your saddle bag.

Stay tuned tomorrow for the Jorvik Star Issue 5 where I'll talk more about the Birthday Event. 

- Ruby Skywalker ♥

Thursday, September 24, 2020

Jorvik Star Issue 4

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 4 ★ Week of September 20-26

This Week's Update:

Petunia brought back her show jumping race. You'll find it at Jorvik Stables from now until the September 30th Update.

There's also some new clothes in the Global Store: Some Preppy Back to School Uniforms. 

Farah has some new places to deliver goods to. I noticed this a few days ago but it's official now. Some include Tim at Fort Pinta and Leonardo at his Ice Cream Parlor in Governor's Fall.

SSO's Latest Livestream: 

Star Stable recently had a Livestream which can be found on YouTube (click HERE to watch!) Here's a summary of what they did talk about:

Star Stable Online is officially coming to mobile devices soon! It's coming to iOS/iPhone first. If you are in Australia they are doing closed beta. There's a link to that in the YouTube video description. It's unknown when and if it will be on Android or not yet.

SSO officially said they are working on North Mistfall and plan to open it in parts. The "code name" for the area that's first is Wild Woods. Since SSO said we won't be getting a new area this year, my guess is North Mistfall will probably start to open in the beginning of 2021. 

There was also a redeem code hidden in the Livestream video. It is hidden in the background during the segment about the Soul Riders book and the interview with the author. 

Next Week's Update:

 Next week will be Star Stable Online's 9th Birthday Event. We always get a really unique outfit and pet for the Birthday Event, but I won't give any spoilers to this year's, even though a few YouTube channels have some already. 

-Ruby Skywalker

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

The Jorvik Star Issue 3

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 3 ★ Week of September 13 - 19

This Week's Update...

This week's update brought two new Jorvik Wild Horses to Jorvik, Dorcha and Solas. They are peacock butterfly horses based on Irish legends that butterflies can cross over from the human world to the otherworld.  They will be around for two weeks, and you can find them at Fort Pinta Beach for 850 StarCoins.
In my opinion, I like Solas (The blue one) better than Dorcha (pink) but I don't really like their markings. I would maybe get one if I wasn't saving up for Halloween horses. 

Along with Dorcha and Solas, SSO released two new limited time flying pets to go with them, the Deep-Sea Gull and the Dreamy Owl. They are the same colors as Dorcha's and Solas' magic forms, and are for 400 StarCoins or you can get both the owl and seagull pet with a StarCoins bundle of 2000 SC or 5000 SC. 

Lifetime Star Riders: New Bonus Shop Item!

A new item was added to the Bonus Shop in this update for those Lifetime Star Riders. You'll find the bonus shop in Moorland beside the well. 

A New Account Update

Now you can change the email associated with your SSO account. It is currently only available for users who haven't made a purchase on their account but other users will be able to after SSO is confident that it's is working how intended.

Next Week's Update...

The hint given for us this week on the SSO website's news page is:
 "Petunia is setting up a show jumping course by Jorvik Stables and some new clothes are incoming."

 -Ruby Skywalker

Friday, September 11, 2020

The Jorvik Star Issue 2

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 2 ★ Week of September 6 - 12

This Week's Update...

September 9 -

This week brought along the Fort Pinta Beach Festival. Many of us had guessed from last Wednesday's teaser on the SSO news page that it would be an entirely new event, considering sso had said themselves at the beginning of the summer that the beach party would not return due to it's unpopularity last year. However, they did bring it back in this update. Though it is the very same thing as before, there are a few small changes I have noticed that I don't remember being so last year.

Tim Hooper is of course back with his questline again. I have noticed many changes to it.
1. No more annoying long cutscenes in the quests. This makes the quests not take as long. I also think the cutscenes that were in the questline previously could have affected those playing it that have epilepsy. SSO had previously changed the Druid Training Symbols part for the same reason, so I find it possible that this was a reason it was unpopular last year.
2. Our quest reward this year is white sunglasses. They'll be nice for summer outfits.
3. I also think the beach race has been shortened. I could be wrong, but it felt like it was.

The Miscreants themed shop is back again. It has three Miscreants cropped t-shirts, some black shorts, black boots, and two masks: a Miscreants "Cat" mask and a fox mask.
Now the fox mask there has brought me to a question and has me confused.
A while back SSO added a secret hidden quest up in Goldenhills Valley with a little red fox. You'd play in wild horse mode and locate the fox everyday in his unknown hiding spot, complete his challenge, then do it again the next day for one week. If you missed a day, you'd have to wait until that day to do it again. Well, after spotting the fox back in his spot whilst doing a fall photoshoot I finished the questline with him and got the reward: a fox mask. So now here's my question: why exactly is there a fox mask in the Miscreants shop when we should have one from the fox for free? All I can think is so non star riders can buy it, but even so once they become star rider they'd find the fox quests eventually. If you know another explanation, please do comment in the comments section!

Back to this week's update review. We also got three minor changes this week as well (though some may be major if you think about it.)
1. Championship Times have changed so that there's a championship every hour on the hour. This is a major update if you enjoy doing championships; minor if you don't do them. I'm in between - I do them to see if I can win, but I usually don't so sometimes I go days without doing one.
2. Your horse will now recover and go back to galloping off faster now after bumping into a fence, tree, wall, lamppost, whatever it is you run right into. They also go longer before needing to press the up arrow (or W key... or mouse wheel) to continue that gait. 
3. The chat, photomode, and notifications buttons all received a new look. They look really nice compared to the old ones.

Lost Shark Has Been Found...

Myself and a few other long-time SSO players got worried when realizing the shark in Fort Pinta was gone. I noticed it was gone when I had decided to show someone it was there because they never knew about it. 
The shark has made it's return with the Fort Pinta Beach Party, proof it may just be connected to that event. However, I remember it before being in Fort Pinta permanently until it mysteriously disappeared, like how there's a permanent shark swimming near Cape West Fishing Village.

Thoughts and Theories...

Thoughts and Theories posts will return this week or next right here on my blog. I will complete, continue, and answer my previous theories about the first Soul Riders book, and will do the second as soon as I get it. My first one to come however will be focusing on the "guests" at the Fort Pinta Beach Festival and what they say that might be hints to future updates.

Spoilers Surfacing... 

Next week's update has already been figured out what it is and we know more about SSO's Birthday event clothing, tack and pet for this year. 
Next week we will be getting some new Jorvik Wild Horses. I'm going to leave it at that for now and let you check the SSO Instagram or Twitter if you want to know more.
The birthday outfit and tack for this year is in my favorite colors, blue and purple, which gets a major thumbs up from me, since last year's was yellow and orange and I don't like orange. The pet for this year however is quite funny and unexpected. I'm eager to see how many people will make use of the "pet" and if we will get more of them someday.

A Reminder...

The Soul Riders Book 2: The Legend Awakens is available now. You should be able to find it in stores, online, or where you buy your eBooks. A SSO YouTuber also suggested that you can get a free 30 day trial of Amazon Audible and get it in audio book if you'd prefer it that way.

Coming Soon to my Blog...

Stay tuned for a fall photoshoot and my fashion and tack must-have list for the fall! 

-Ruby Skywalker.

Thursday, September 3, 2020

The Jorvik Star Issue 1

★Jorvik Star★

Issue 1 ★ Week of Aug 30-Sept 5

This Week's Update...

September 2 Update -
Three new Marwari colors were added - Black, Dark Bay Tobiano and a Cremello. The Marwaris can be found at Goldenleaf Stables in Goldenhills, Silverglade County. They cost 950 Star Coins. They also have two brand new unique mane & tail styles and a new animation: Bowing when pressing spacebar. They're currently the only horse breed that can wear the new super detailed, fancy oriental bridle, which three new ones have been added!

There is also a new white show jumping saddle to mix and match with your show jumping tack sets!

Summary of Summer Updates

Explore Jorvik Week 1 - July 1, 2020

This summer has been quite an interesting one this year. Despite the major changes this year that may have caused certain updates to be harder to finish, with the team working from home and taking summer break, summer was filled with some amazing new things. 

We started off the fun with the return of the Cloud Kingdom, where we could do the fun Rainbow Race and the golden horseshoe collecting to get extra horse xp. The Rainbow Tack was put on sale from last year's rainbow event and a new set came out this year. 

That update also brought back the popular Jorvik Wild Horses. If you missed out on them and still want one, I'm certain they will be back soon. 

A final  and permanent addition in that update was new Horse Trainers in more locations. Now it's easier to find one to unlock that amazing lead horse ability or to train your horse instantly (Although I find taking time to do races for xp is more fun than wasting Star Coins on horse xp.)

Explore Jorvik Week 2: July 8, 2020

The next week brought back Linda Chanda's Show Jumping Race. I have found it to be a bit challenging in my opinion, but maybe that's just me.

This update also brought along new saddlepads and leg wraps in beautiful pastel colors. You'll find a sky blue, light blue-green, yellow and a peach-pink. 

Explore Jorvik Week 3: July 15, 2020

The following week welcomed three new English Thoroughbreds at Marley's Farm - grey, bay, and seal brown. 

It also brought the very exciting  and long awaited ability to only see members of your club or your group in the riding hall with the click of a button. 

Explore Jorvik Week 4: July 22, 2020

The next week brought back the famous Jorvik Stables Open House. The beautiful dressage arena made it's return along with six limited time horses, three races, baroque outfits and tack,  Hugh's free veterinary care, and the petting zoo. 

It also was the beginning of redoing the Jarlaheim area, with new fences, trees, benches and extras like wagons added near Jorvik Stables. 

Explore Jorvik Week 5: July 29, 2020

The final week of July brought along a new collection - lost baby donkeys! It is a fun, challenging new addition to keep people busy - and make us all want donkey pets even more!

Explore Jorvik Week 6: August 5, 2020

The first update of August brought an interesting new race to Goldenleaf Stables - a mix of show jumping and cross country. It's a fun new addition to our horse training routes!
Along with this, Tan and Loretta in Moorland got a "glow-up" and their new models look amazing now!

Explore Jorvik Week 7: August 12, 2020

This week's update brought two long awaited updates.
First, SSO announced new changes to the chat and filter would be tested in the UK server Cupcake Valley. Many people, including myself, have many dislikes and opinions on the current filter system and hope that this new filter update will make it through the testing very well and will make having conversations easier and less worrisome. 
The second long awaited update that came was welcoming the Marwari horse to SSO. There had been lots of requests asking for the horse breed going around social media so I'm excited they were added. I have added them to my horse wishlist and will write a review once I get it.

Explore Jorvik Week 8: August 19, 2020

This week brought back the popular annual Red String Trail Ride. The extra xp and fun encounters on the trail make it a must-do! Will you welcome you're favorite Soul Rider along on the ride, or find a potato falling out of the sky?

New Western tack, boots and hats were added this week as well.

Explore Jorvik Week 9: August 26, 2020

The final week of Explore Jorvik brought a long awaited update: Lisa's House! Read more in the story below.

Welcome Home, Lisa!

Lisa Peterson was finally welcomed to her new home in Jorvik - Starshine Ranch. She has had a lot of craziness happen in Jorvik, and she and her father Carl Peterson are happy to find their new home.
Lisa also set up a beautiful altar at Starshine Ranch to honor her late mother, Xiomara Maria "Xo" Peterson, and we learned that she is Mexican. 

Lisa Peterson is my favorite of the Soul Riders, so I'm so overjoyed to learn more about her. I enjoy her love for music and her sense of style. 

Next Week's Update...

According to the hint on the Star Stable Online News...
 "Coming next week... time to get hyped for the Fort Pinta Festival!" 

 I don't recall there ever being an official festival event in Fort Pinta except the Beach Party, which was removed due to unpopularity last year. 

A Reminder...

Star Stable book series book #2 Soul Riders: The Legend Awakens comes out September 8th! Watch their official trailer  HERE ! 

That's it for this week's Jorvik Star news. 

Stay tuned for more! 

-Ruby Skywalker. 

Saturday, August 15, 2020

Thoughts & Theories #2: Exploring Jorvik

My thoughts & theories on the hints found here:
Mostly thoughts.

August Edit: I totally didn't realize I didn't post this! So here it is. 

What's happened already...

Cloud Kingdom - 
July 1st - Is that a hot air balloon in the distance!
We already know what this one is.
Cloud Kingdom update. 

Silverglade & Moorland -
July 8th - Saddle up for Linda's limited-edition jumping course!
Linda's show jumping returns + new tack?
Pastel Blankets & Saddle Pads and Linda's show jumping

July 15th - Cor blimey! Three new colors, one majestic horse!
The final three English Thoroughbred horses.

Jorvik Stables -
July 22nd - Raise the Roof! Open House is back!
The Jorvik Stables Open House returns.

July 29th - A new collection to explore!
A new collection, likely similar to the Catherine's Memories butterflies or the Token locations? No clues as to what we're collecting yet. Will keep y'all updated if more hints arrive.

Update: It was collecting runaway donkeys. 

Goldenleaf -
August 5th - Part show jumping; part cross-country; only at Goldenleaf Stables!
This could mean one new race or two at Goldenleaf Stables in Goldenhills Valley?
(I was right!)

August 12th - Perk up a pointed ear for the jangling tack of this regal riding horse!
There's lots of clues particularly on the Explore Jorvik page (in the artwork) and on Minatozy's recent YouTube video that Marwari horses are coming. This will likely be the day. Will keep y'all updated!
(I was right!)

Firgrove - 
August 19th - A special ride to celebrate the ties that bind.
This means the Red String Trail trail ride will be returning!

August 26th - Welcome home Soul Rider...
This one can mean multiple things, but my best and most logical guess is maybe new storyline quests + Lisa's House at Starshine Ranch.

The Rainbow Festival itself is not happening this year. The Fort Pinta Beach Party is also not returning this year as SSO stated on social media that there wasn't a lot of players interested in it last year. 

What's your thoughts on the hints above? Do you have theories on them? Comment below!
-Ruby S. 

Wednesday, July 1, 2020

Crafting with Plants, Magical Horses, and a Kingdom of Clouds?.

Star Stable's last June update gave Farah a nice little shop and a new thing to keep us busy - Crafting!
Now we can forage for plants to craft materials for clothing and tack and make stuff to sell to people around Jorvik.
Here's how it works (Although you probably know by now)-

First, go to Farah's shop and go to the task board. Checkmark every one listed and try to remember what each wants. You'll have 3 deliveries per day. You can check the bench to see what ingredients you need, or just go forage and come back with a lot of ingredients. You search around Silverglade County, Harvest Counties, and South Hoof for the ingredients: plants. They have yellowish sparkles so they're easy to see. There was supposedly some way to tell by looking at your minimap (not the big map) when you're close but that doesn't seem to work. July 1 Update: The minimap icon works correctly now. You'll see a flower shape on your minimap if you're near a harvestable plant. Below I have a map and a list of what you'll likely find where, as the map isn't very easy to tell where things are precisely. Once you see one, click on it and it will your inventory. These will always stay in your inventory even if you log out, so don't be afraid to grab every plant you see! 
You bring the ingredients to Farah's and craft them into things. Things like Candles and Herbal Tea are to deliver to NPCs. Things like cloth and ropes can be used to make tack and clothes. Ingredients can also be placed in delivery box in exchange for extra reputation. However there's a twist: If you put 10 Flax in the box and come back with more, you'll need 20, then 30, etc. So I'd recommend saving up your ingredients and donate 10 every day, as it resets back to 10 the next day.
Once you've craftec the object requested you deliver it to the NPC by going to where they are and finding the delivery box. You click it and give them the object. You'll earn reputation and Jorvik Shillings. 

Eventually you will unlock an owl pet, I'm guessing through reputation.
Here's the Map:
Credit to Mayrishka on YouTube for making the map and LunaAutumndew for sharing the photo on SSO Forums.

Here's the List of where you'll find the ingredients:
Bee Balm: Firgrove, Forgotten Fields, Silverglade, Jarlaheim. Not found at Valedale/ Hollow Woods/ Valedale Lake. Seems to be a rare plant to find. 
Chamomile: Found in Greendale, Hollow Woods and Firgrove. Rare to find.
Flax: Everwind Fields, the Fields near Starshine Ranch, South Hoof Peninsula, The Forgotten Fields, on Paddock Island, Near Seahorse Beach, and near Sunfield Farm. Not found in Valedale/Hollow Woods/ Valedale Lake. Common and easily found by just running around the sunny fields.
Jute: Found along water such as Valedale Lake, Silversong River, and the Ocean. Seems to be less common.
Rubia: Found in Mountainous areas such as Forgotten Fields, Greendale, Firgrove Mountain Pass, Red String Trail, The Observatory, and the Mountain where the Druid Paddock is. Rare to find.
Moss: Found growing by trees in my experience. Forgotten Fields, Near Sunfield Farm, Greendale, Hollow Woods, Valedale Lake, Firgrove.

Tip: The only things found in South Hoof are Flax, Jute, and Bee Balm.
Here's a list of NPCs who request the deliveries and where they are:
Conrad - Moorland
Mr. Cod - Moorland
Mrs. Holdsworth - Moorland
Jonas - Hightower
Hugh - South Hoof

Craftable Tack & Clothes:
3 Beanie Hats
3 Gloves
3 Bosal Hackamore Bridles.
3 Leg Wraps

The July 1st Update brought back the Cloud Kingdom and several Jorvik Wild Horses. 

The Cloud Kingdom is the same as last year. Only new thing is new rainbow tack & clothes. Last year's rainbow tack & clothes from the Rainbow Festival is now in the shop as well.

The Jorvik Wild Horses that are back are the Shire models (Orange-Purple, Pastel Rainbow, Golden, Brown-Green, Blue-Black, and White-Pink) and the Icelandic models (Blue, Black-Red, and Purple). They are here until July 15th. 

Lastly an update on my Soul Riding progress: I made it to the 9000 mark on today, July 1st. I should have the horse sometime in August, maybe September at the latest. I currently only have Dragon, Summer and Night left to train to the maximum. My logic has been Train horse to level 11 with normal races then do druid training with it. 

-Ruby S. 

Sunday, June 7, 2020

Thoughts on the new ETBs

Star Stable released the trailer for the new updated English Thoroughbred. It will be released June 19th and will cost 850 SC.

So far the community has the same reaction. The animations are weird and glitchy, the coats look unfinished, and the mane style looks really weird.

As for myself, I totally agree. I definitely do not plan on getting one unless they look much better when they are in-game. There's a couple weeks left for them to make final changes so I hope we see some differences when they do release. 

I'll be back here Wednesday or Thursday to give my thoughts on this week's update. The sneak peek was:
"We can't wait for summer to start, so be ready for some summer activities!" 
 I hope whatever they are are better than the Gold Mining. 

 -Ruby S.

Friday, June 5, 2020

Update Day Thoughts: Gold Mining, Western Tack and Apparel, and my American Quarter Horse!

First of all, I started to write this the week of the May 20th Update and am now finishing it two weeks later. Oops!
Anyway, let's get to my thoughts on the week of Wednesday, May 20th update day. Then we'll do the May 27th update day and finally June 3rd.

The main thing released is a new gold mining minigame. It is available until June 3rd, so two weeks of mining. 
The game is basically riding around Firgrove, clicking on rocks, and following arrows to where the gold is. You can only get five gold filled rocks per day. I'm going to give this minigame a four out of five. It's fun and you earn Jorvik Shillings but unless you're on the correct side of the rock you don't see the arrows pointing in the direction of the gold. I have a few days of doing before I figure out what the prize for it is.

June 3rd UPDATE: I'm not too happy about the Gold Mining prize. However, despite it being stat-less, I tried it on my AQH only to discover that the blue of the bridle matched my blue saddlepad (Pro dark blue blanket from the Jorvik City Mall). Now if they only had a nice saddle and a mane/tail item in same shade of yellow.

Next is my thoughts on the Western tack and apparel from the month of May...
I bought the dark colored bosal hackamore bridle and it looks great on my black splashed white AQH. I don't have the rest yet but I'll rate each item 1-5 stars on each category (Looks: How it looks; Price how expensive it is [less stars = more expensive]; Stats: if it has good stats.)

Bosal Hackmore Bridles
They look really good and the price is decent for both Jorvik Shillings and SC. All but the cheapest one has stats. Which makes sense. The Sagebrush set seems like a "buy to see if you like it first then buy expensive with stats" thing.
Looks: ★★★★★
Price: ★★★★
Stats: ★★★★★

Western Saddles
Looks: ★★★★★
Price: ★★
Stats: ★★★★★

Western Saddle Blanket
Looks: ★★★★
Price: ★★
Stats: ★★★

Open Front Boots
Looks: ★★★★★
Price: ★★★★★
Stats: ★

Looks: ★★★★
Price: ★★★
The halters would totally get 5 stars from me if they had reins for a "lead rope." I mean, we'd only ever use the halters for leading our horses, not riding, especially for RRPs. 

The new Western boots and hats? Not a fan of the colors. None of them go with anything else in game. The only one I'd get is red and orange to go with my Toy Story Outfit. The Purple and Turquoise and Green & Yellow ones aren't on my list.

Thoughts on my American Quarter Horse.
I bought the black splashed white one and I love it!
The reining spin and the sliding stop and backing up animations are super fun and well made. I will definitely add another to my stable in the future. 

They come in the colors Bay, Black Splashed White, Flaxen Chestnut, Fleabitten Grey, Grullo, Palomino and Red Roan to purchase in-game and a Blue Roan on the Star Stable Horses app. They cost 950 SC. They have three newly created animations: Reining, Sliding Stop, and a funny dance you'll see if you bring your AQH to Fort Pinta Disco.

Finally let's talk about June 3rd's update and the release of Tellina and Kampos. 
I will not be able to get one as I only have 299 sc and since they are only here for two weeks I don't have enough time to save up. I do think they are beautiful horses and if they ever return I will get one. Unfortunately, I think buying SC is out of the question as I currently need to spend on useful physical objects and not virtual currency. 
They also released new pets to go with Tellina and Kampos. They are called Panda Rays because they look like the rays flying in Pandoria. 
Not convinced on the name. Panda is a 🐼 so why not just call them Pandorian Rays? Pandas have nothing to do with the ocean theme of them. 
However, since they are 450 sc I might buy one if I really like it ingame when I see it and that's the one with the starfish on it's back. Although I kind of want to save my SC for the next batch of horses to come as saving is not easy for me. I do need to mention though through June 9th you can buy 5000 star coins plus both "Panda" Rays for $64.99 USD. 

-Ruby Skywalker 

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Thoughts on Character Update and More.

Recently several people have mentioned SSO starting work on updating our main characters. Considering this started back in August 2019 and will take a while my guess is it won't happen until next year in time for the 10 Years of SSO Celebration. People are also considering a new area opening for the 10 Years of SSO Celebration. We definitely know something big must happen for a milestone, right?

They are still working on the updates to the areas already in game They still need to do:
~Jarlaheim, Jorvik Stables, Paddock Island, Goldspur Farm, Sunfield Farm, Seahorse Point
~Forgotten Fields
~Silverglade Village, Marley's Farm, Barney's Silo, Will's Mill.
~Silverglade Manor/Vineyard, Riding Arena
~Valedale, Hollow Woods
~Valley of the Hidden Dinosaur
~Cape West Fishing Village, Jasper's Pumpkin Farm, Goldenleaf

Now, back onto the new area topic. There's only these two options on which could be the next one that seem reasonable.
1. Mistfall Lake / North Mistfall. Mistfall was supposed to open in parts, and being the newest area it'd make sense to add to it.
2. Cape Point / Northlink. There's been mentions of Northlink, Cape Point, and Pine Hill Manor in books and quests. If this doesn't come next I think it would eventually.

I know Ashland, Devil's Gap, and Fort Maria aren't open, but I don't have any proof that points to them possibly being next. SSO said a while ago they don't have plans for Ashland; Devil's Gap is probably to do with main questline, and Fort Maria hasn't been mentioned much. 

What are your thoughts on the topics?
-Ruby S.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

UPDATE on the new Jorvik Wild Horses!

Star Stable finally released the teaser trailer and we now have names for the new horses: Tellina and Kampos! 

There is no official release date yet. I'm still guessing second week of Midsummer Festival. 

Watch the video here:


Thursday, May 21, 2020

Name Ideas: Ocean/Beach/Summery/Water Theme Name Compilation.

Coralleaf (Rhymes with Coral Reef. LOL)
Oceanheart (Titanic reference)
Sanddollar (The round object sometimes found near the ocean)
Seastar (Starfish.)
Sharksurfer (Soul Surfer reference. You'll understand if you watched it.)

Or if you want to be boring: Pearlpearl, Oceanocean. LOL

I'm probably going to do either Sanddollar or Seastar. 

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

SPOILER ALERT! The Next Jorvik Wild Horse!

Star Stable released concept art for the next Jorvik Wild Horse! 
View the concept art here:

It's a seahorse, or what some are calling a Seashell Horse. I'm still looking for confirmation on the name. 

Now here's when I think it will release. 
I think it will come for the annual Midsummer Festival.
Midsummer happens every year in June.
This year if I'm correct it will start Wednesday, June 17th. The Sakura & Birch JWH came the second week of the festival last year, so the so-called "Seashell Horses" should come Wednesday, June 24th. The horses last year stayed for 4 weeks. 

From what people are guessing the horses will be between 650-850 SC, unless they have an unknown special move.  

The colors are Pearl (the reddish tinted one, supposedly the pearlino Akhal-Teke) and the blue tinted does not have a color name yet. 

My opinion: They are definitely a little odd and creepy in the concept art, but I'm saving up so if the blue one looks not creepy once we know it's look in game I will buy it. Otherwise I'll probably skip it like I did Sakura & Birch. 

So start saving up, my friends, if you want the horses! 

And stay tuned for a post of Ocean themed names for them.
-Ruby S. ❤ 🐴🐎

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thoughts and Theories #1: Soul Riders Book 1

I finally finished the first Star Riders book and I'm so excited to share my thoughts and theories, which brought me to a new post idea: Thoughts and Theories. Basically each post will have to do with my thoughts and theories on things, whether it's a book or a YouTube video, to do with SSO.

So without further ado...

Thoughts and Theories #1: Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling by Helena Dahlgren.

First, if you haven't read the book, you can find it wherever books are sold, or probably right now in e-books. I have it on my Amazon Kindle fire tablet. 
Second, because this is a Thoughts and Theories post there may be spoilers to the book and the game. 

First, I love that the story tells about the Soul Riders before they even knew they were Soul Riders. Also I was super excited that Lisa seemed to be the main focus of the first book as she is my favorite of the Soul Riders. I really enjoyed learning more about her story and her personality.

My first question though, since the story reveals more about her dad, will we ever see him in game? Or is he the "Carl" that was seen in the quests in Jorvik City? This will bring me to Theory #1. 

The next thing is about Linda. In the book she's living with her Aunt Amal and her cat Misty. So when will will meet her Aunt Amal? (Theory #2)

We also now know that Anne lives in Jorvik City, in a place called Millionaire's Row (Theory #3) and a little more about Alex's personality.

Lisa and her Dad find a house near Jarlaheim. Where is it in game? (Theory #4)

And last for now but definitely not least: There's a school called Jorvik Academy for the Performing Arts. (Theory #5).

1. Where's Carl?: Lisa's dad, Carl, is hired by Dark Core. Why haven't we seen him in game yet? The only npc named Carl with a storyline that's near to it is Carl Edelman, assistant to Mr. Anwir. Except there's no proof that Mr. Anwir or Carl Edelman worked with DC. Also we know that Lisa's last name is Peterson. Wouldn't Carl share the same last name, or did the Peterson name come from Lisa's mom and Carl is Carl Edelman?
2. Where's Aunt Amal?: We've been in Linda's room now. Where's her Aunt Amal? Will we ever see her in game? Or did Linda move out to her own apartment?
3. Millionaire's Row: I'm thinking this place is in Governor's Fall, same place where Anastasia Silverglade lives. 
4. Lisa's House: Unfortunately I don't have much to go by for this, other than Jorvik Stables is close by. So it's either in Jarlaheim or possibly Epona.
5. Jorvik Academy of the Performing Arts: Lisa applies to go this school. I'm guessing because of the saving the world thing she doesn't go. But does it exist, or will it exist in game in some form? Perhaps in Jorvik City, in some type of quest? 

One last mystery now I want to point out: 
The Case of the Missing Dog.
As seen here:

If you zoom in, right next to the town hall, Disco the dog sits on a barrel. You might know the dog from posters seen in Jarlaheim, Jorvik City Mall, and the Fort Pinta Disco. However quite recently Disco no longer sits upon his barrel. Where did the dog go? Why was he there before, and why isn't he now?

More Info on Disco here:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

A small update.

I've been a little behind on posting here lately. I'm deciding to do a couple posts in the future:

Reviewing new horses, and adding pages for them so you can locate their information easily.

My thoughts on the new looks of Jorvik and newly updated horses

My favorite fashion looks on Jorvik... maybe a weekly thing?

My progress on Soul Riding.

Got any more ideas for what I could write about, related to SSO? Write them in the comments!

I'm also definitely going to write my thoughts on the Soul Riders book, so stay tuned for that.


-Ruby Skywalker

Welcome to the Wild West!

Ever since I first heard about Starshine Ranch coming... well... I knew I'd enjoy it.

The ranch is beautiful and will most likely become a roleplaying spot for many people!

I love the new races, it just feels like you're in a rodeo!
I'm curious if they do group races what that would be like.

I also like finding the lost animals. The ones that require herding, though sometimes annoying, are a lot of fun!

So far I like the new American Quarter Horses. I have a few weeks left until I can get them.

That's all for now.
- Ruby

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Update Review: Spotted Horses, Soul Riding, and Sneak Peeks.

Hey everyone, Ruby Skywalker here with a new update review for 2020!


Star Stable welcomed the Knabstrupper horses into Jorvik and I think they're beautiful!

I've welcomed a Chestnut Few Spot Leopard Knabstrupper named Moonbeam into my stable.

These horses cost 750 sc and are found at a new stable beside Jorvik Stables. They come in the colors Black Blanket, Bay Extended Blanket, Bay Snowflake, Chestnut Few Spot Leopard, Chestnut Leopard, and Steel Grey Near Leopard.

The description says:
 "It's hard not to be amazed when you first lay eyes on the charming and bold Knabstrupper. With its distinctive spotted coat and history interwoven with royalty, this a breed that truly stands out from the rest.
Though the Knabstrupper officially became a breed in 1812, their roots trace back to the royal lineage of Fredriksborg descended from Spanish Warhorses. Royalty of the Baroque period adored them, as they were well-suited to expressing their joie de vivre: a carefree enjoyment of life. They were harnessed to royal carriages, and queens and kings would even ride them to their coronations. 
Their quirky coat pattern aren't spots, but instead are holes in a white blanket, revealing underlying color. This delicate coat pattern was nearly bred out to extinction, as people often confused the dominant white gene with the gray gene, creating genetic chaos. The Knabstrupper faced further adversity in 1891 when tragedy came to the breeding farm. A fire caused by lightning strike tore through Knabstruppgaard, and 22 horses perished in the flames. 
Knabstruppers are multi-talented horses and very quick learners, making them great performers and show horses. Their gentle and pleasant temperament will make exploring together a breeze, and their curious nature is sure to lead you both on exciting adventures. 
If you want to put on a show wherever you go and ride like royalty all around Jorvik, look no further than the striking Knabstrupper. "

I'm super excited and happy about welcoming Moonbeam to my stable and I definitely plan to get another Knabstrupper in the near future!

Soul Riding

So far I'm enjoying the daily tasks, though they've basically just redone the old soul rider minigames. I'm going to list them in order of my favorite to least favorite, and a 1-3 star difficulty (1 being super easy 3 being extremely hard)

Symbols [🌟] - Standing on the correct symbol called; Sun 🌞, Moon 🌙, Star 🌟 or Lighting ⚡
Ghost Catch [🌟] (Used to be catching butterflies) - Simply run and jump around to collect ghosts.
Changing Lanes [🌟🌟]- This is riding in circles but changing lanes when directed.
Jump Carousel [🌟🌟]- Jumping over poles on a thing that spins. Just don't let the red pole catch up to you.
Shockwaves [🌟🌟]- Jumping over the shockwaves as they cross the arena.
Dodging Falling Things [🌟🌟] - Riding around while dodging what falls from the sky.
Shadow Seeker Dodging [🌟🌟] - Riding around while avoiding shadow seekers.
Catching a Runner (A new minigame) [🌟🌟🌟] - Staying near a orb that teleports awsy to drain it's power.

This also brings new daily missions, which I'm yet to unlock, but I'm thinking it's the same minigames, but in different locations around Jorvik, but harder since you only get one try per daily mission.

However, we do have an EPIC reward to look forward to: A Horse!

Umbra and Ayla

Next Update...
The next update day falls on April 1st, aka April Fools Day. This year's trick is.... *⚠SPOILER ALERT!⚠*






You've been shrinked!
So, if you don't want to have to ride a tiny tiny horse, skip April 1st and head on on the 2nd when things will be normal again!

Also the next part of Catherine's Diaries will be soon - Looks like I better find the ones I'm missing!

-Ruby Skywalker

Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Blog Is Back...

And with a fresh new look!
First I wanted to share this cute little thing Star Stable had on their Instagram.

Right now I'm at Jorvik Stables, but plan to move to either Firgrove or Dundull soon.

I plan to do more frequent posts here now. Stay tuned!
-Ruby Skywalker

New Player Character Coming Tuesday!

 The new updated player characters are going to release this Tuesday already. Remember once it releases there may be lag if you're on a ...