Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Thoughts and Theories #1: Soul Riders Book 1

I finally finished the first Star Riders book and I'm so excited to share my thoughts and theories, which brought me to a new post idea: Thoughts and Theories. Basically each post will have to do with my thoughts and theories on things, whether it's a book or a YouTube video, to do with SSO.

So without further ado...

Thoughts and Theories #1: Soul Riders: Jorvik Calling by Helena Dahlgren.

First, if you haven't read the book, you can find it wherever books are sold, or probably right now in e-books. I have it on my Amazon Kindle fire tablet. 
Second, because this is a Thoughts and Theories post there may be spoilers to the book and the game. 

First, I love that the story tells about the Soul Riders before they even knew they were Soul Riders. Also I was super excited that Lisa seemed to be the main focus of the first book as she is my favorite of the Soul Riders. I really enjoyed learning more about her story and her personality.

My first question though, since the story reveals more about her dad, will we ever see him in game? Or is he the "Carl" that was seen in the quests in Jorvik City? This will bring me to Theory #1. 

The next thing is about Linda. In the book she's living with her Aunt Amal and her cat Misty. So when will will meet her Aunt Amal? (Theory #2)

We also now know that Anne lives in Jorvik City, in a place called Millionaire's Row (Theory #3) and a little more about Alex's personality.

Lisa and her Dad find a house near Jarlaheim. Where is it in game? (Theory #4)

And last for now but definitely not least: There's a school called Jorvik Academy for the Performing Arts. (Theory #5).

1. Where's Carl?: Lisa's dad, Carl, is hired by Dark Core. Why haven't we seen him in game yet? The only npc named Carl with a storyline that's near to it is Carl Edelman, assistant to Mr. Anwir. Except there's no proof that Mr. Anwir or Carl Edelman worked with DC. Also we know that Lisa's last name is Peterson. Wouldn't Carl share the same last name, or did the Peterson name come from Lisa's mom and Carl is Carl Edelman?
2. Where's Aunt Amal?: We've been in Linda's room now. Where's her Aunt Amal? Will we ever see her in game? Or did Linda move out to her own apartment?
3. Millionaire's Row: I'm thinking this place is in Governor's Fall, same place where Anastasia Silverglade lives. 
4. Lisa's House: Unfortunately I don't have much to go by for this, other than Jorvik Stables is close by. So it's either in Jarlaheim or possibly Epona.
5. Jorvik Academy of the Performing Arts: Lisa applies to go this school. I'm guessing because of the saving the world thing she doesn't go. But does it exist, or will it exist in game in some form? Perhaps in Jorvik City, in some type of quest? 

One last mystery now I want to point out: 
The Case of the Missing Dog.
As seen here: 


If you zoom in, right next to the town hall, Disco the dog sits on a barrel. You might know the dog from posters seen in Jarlaheim, Jorvik City Mall, and the Fort Pinta Disco. However quite recently Disco no longer sits upon his barrel. Where did the dog go? Why was he there before, and why isn't he now?

More Info on Disco here: 

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