Friday, January 29, 2021

Jorvik Star Issue 10: January

 ★Jorvik Star

Issue 10January 

A Note From the Writer/Editor:

Again I have failed to write every week. I am thinking I will switch to a monthly news post for now. However if there's major news updates I will post that week for sure. I am excited to see what 2021 brings for SSO. This year my goal is focusing on saving up my starcoins so getting horses will be easier and only buying clothes and tack with Jorvik Shillings. Recently I organized my storage by color also instead of by type, with the exception on holiday/seasonal, stuff I will never wear, and face accessories. I still need to organize my tack though. Without further ado, here's this month's news recap for this month.
-Ruby Skywalker ♥

 My Review of the Heidrun

I have been riding my Heidrun, named Gingersnap, since I got him. I really like the mane on this horse. I haven't found anything about it that I don't like. 

My Thoughts on Mistfall the Series

I have only watched the first episode so far but I really enjoy it. I think it's because Skye reminds me a lot of Lisa Peterson, my favorite of the Soul Riders. I really enjoyed it so far and plan to watch the entire series. 

The Newest Jorvik Rangers Quest

Recently we got a new quest in Wild Woods about the mysterious past of the Jorvik Rangers, urban folklore that only the Jorvik Rangers know about. 
You begin by helping Rowan to build a campfire, and are rewarded with a fun campfire story and a Jorvik Rangers Shirt, which the shirt is fun for camping or Jorvik Rangers themed Roleplays. 
*To do this quest, you must be a Star Rider, at least Level 16, and reached the Liked reputation with the Jorvik Rangers: Redwood Point and have completed the quest where you meet the New Jorvik Rangers.*

Skye Outfit Now in Shop

Be sure to check out the shop by the rangers on your way to or from Fort Pinta if you enjoy the series. You can purchase it for Jorvik Shillings or Star Coins. It will only be available until the Wednesday, March 17th Update. 

More Jorvik Friesians Have Arrived!

More Jorvik Friesians have arrived in Jorvik. I have seen people riding them a lot lately, and since I hope to start my own club in the future, I need to get dressage horses soon and determine which ones I'll make for our Dressage horse/horses. With seeing it around, I'd be okay getting one in the future, but I'm focusing on saving up my Star Coins for new Magic Horses or Limited Time Horses in the future and instead saving up my Jorvik Shillings as well to buy clothes and tack I can use in outfits.

The New Working Equitation Race.

I tried out the new race, and it's definitely tricky on your first try. I restarted the race multiple times until I had the course figured out. I think it's definitely one that requires practice. I enjoy having another unique race to add to my training routine though.

-Ruby Skywalker ♥

New Player Character Coming Tuesday!

 The new updated player characters are going to release this Tuesday already. Remember once it releases there may be lag if you're on a ...