Friday, September 11, 2020

The Jorvik Star Issue 2

 ★Jorvik Star★

Issue 2 ★ Week of September 6 - 12

This Week's Update...

September 9 -

This week brought along the Fort Pinta Beach Festival. Many of us had guessed from last Wednesday's teaser on the SSO news page that it would be an entirely new event, considering sso had said themselves at the beginning of the summer that the beach party would not return due to it's unpopularity last year. However, they did bring it back in this update. Though it is the very same thing as before, there are a few small changes I have noticed that I don't remember being so last year.

Tim Hooper is of course back with his questline again. I have noticed many changes to it.
1. No more annoying long cutscenes in the quests. This makes the quests not take as long. I also think the cutscenes that were in the questline previously could have affected those playing it that have epilepsy. SSO had previously changed the Druid Training Symbols part for the same reason, so I find it possible that this was a reason it was unpopular last year.
2. Our quest reward this year is white sunglasses. They'll be nice for summer outfits.
3. I also think the beach race has been shortened. I could be wrong, but it felt like it was.

The Miscreants themed shop is back again. It has three Miscreants cropped t-shirts, some black shorts, black boots, and two masks: a Miscreants "Cat" mask and a fox mask.
Now the fox mask there has brought me to a question and has me confused.
A while back SSO added a secret hidden quest up in Goldenhills Valley with a little red fox. You'd play in wild horse mode and locate the fox everyday in his unknown hiding spot, complete his challenge, then do it again the next day for one week. If you missed a day, you'd have to wait until that day to do it again. Well, after spotting the fox back in his spot whilst doing a fall photoshoot I finished the questline with him and got the reward: a fox mask. So now here's my question: why exactly is there a fox mask in the Miscreants shop when we should have one from the fox for free? All I can think is so non star riders can buy it, but even so once they become star rider they'd find the fox quests eventually. If you know another explanation, please do comment in the comments section!

Back to this week's update review. We also got three minor changes this week as well (though some may be major if you think about it.)
1. Championship Times have changed so that there's a championship every hour on the hour. This is a major update if you enjoy doing championships; minor if you don't do them. I'm in between - I do them to see if I can win, but I usually don't so sometimes I go days without doing one.
2. Your horse will now recover and go back to galloping off faster now after bumping into a fence, tree, wall, lamppost, whatever it is you run right into. They also go longer before needing to press the up arrow (or W key... or mouse wheel) to continue that gait. 
3. The chat, photomode, and notifications buttons all received a new look. They look really nice compared to the old ones.

Lost Shark Has Been Found...

Myself and a few other long-time SSO players got worried when realizing the shark in Fort Pinta was gone. I noticed it was gone when I had decided to show someone it was there because they never knew about it. 
The shark has made it's return with the Fort Pinta Beach Party, proof it may just be connected to that event. However, I remember it before being in Fort Pinta permanently until it mysteriously disappeared, like how there's a permanent shark swimming near Cape West Fishing Village.

Thoughts and Theories...

Thoughts and Theories posts will return this week or next right here on my blog. I will complete, continue, and answer my previous theories about the first Soul Riders book, and will do the second as soon as I get it. My first one to come however will be focusing on the "guests" at the Fort Pinta Beach Festival and what they say that might be hints to future updates.

Spoilers Surfacing... 

Next week's update has already been figured out what it is and we know more about SSO's Birthday event clothing, tack and pet for this year. 
Next week we will be getting some new Jorvik Wild Horses. I'm going to leave it at that for now and let you check the SSO Instagram or Twitter if you want to know more.
The birthday outfit and tack for this year is in my favorite colors, blue and purple, which gets a major thumbs up from me, since last year's was yellow and orange and I don't like orange. The pet for this year however is quite funny and unexpected. I'm eager to see how many people will make use of the "pet" and if we will get more of them someday.

A Reminder...

The Soul Riders Book 2: The Legend Awakens is available now. You should be able to find it in stores, online, or where you buy your eBooks. A SSO YouTuber also suggested that you can get a free 30 day trial of Amazon Audible and get it in audio book if you'd prefer it that way.

Coming Soon to my Blog...

Stay tuned for a fall photoshoot and my fashion and tack must-have list for the fall! 

-Ruby Skywalker.

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