Saturday, March 28, 2020

Update Review: Spotted Horses, Soul Riding, and Sneak Peeks.

Hey everyone, Ruby Skywalker here with a new update review for 2020!


Star Stable welcomed the Knabstrupper horses into Jorvik and I think they're beautiful!

I've welcomed a Chestnut Few Spot Leopard Knabstrupper named Moonbeam into my stable.

These horses cost 750 sc and are found at a new stable beside Jorvik Stables. They come in the colors Black Blanket, Bay Extended Blanket, Bay Snowflake, Chestnut Few Spot Leopard, Chestnut Leopard, and Steel Grey Near Leopard.

The description says:
 "It's hard not to be amazed when you first lay eyes on the charming and bold Knabstrupper. With its distinctive spotted coat and history interwoven with royalty, this a breed that truly stands out from the rest.
Though the Knabstrupper officially became a breed in 1812, their roots trace back to the royal lineage of Fredriksborg descended from Spanish Warhorses. Royalty of the Baroque period adored them, as they were well-suited to expressing their joie de vivre: a carefree enjoyment of life. They were harnessed to royal carriages, and queens and kings would even ride them to their coronations. 
Their quirky coat pattern aren't spots, but instead are holes in a white blanket, revealing underlying color. This delicate coat pattern was nearly bred out to extinction, as people often confused the dominant white gene with the gray gene, creating genetic chaos. The Knabstrupper faced further adversity in 1891 when tragedy came to the breeding farm. A fire caused by lightning strike tore through Knabstruppgaard, and 22 horses perished in the flames. 
Knabstruppers are multi-talented horses and very quick learners, making them great performers and show horses. Their gentle and pleasant temperament will make exploring together a breeze, and their curious nature is sure to lead you both on exciting adventures. 
If you want to put on a show wherever you go and ride like royalty all around Jorvik, look no further than the striking Knabstrupper. "

I'm super excited and happy about welcoming Moonbeam to my stable and I definitely plan to get another Knabstrupper in the near future!

Soul Riding

So far I'm enjoying the daily tasks, though they've basically just redone the old soul rider minigames. I'm going to list them in order of my favorite to least favorite, and a 1-3 star difficulty (1 being super easy 3 being extremely hard)

Symbols [🌟] - Standing on the correct symbol called; Sun 🌞, Moon 🌙, Star 🌟 or Lighting ⚡
Ghost Catch [🌟] (Used to be catching butterflies) - Simply run and jump around to collect ghosts.
Changing Lanes [🌟🌟]- This is riding in circles but changing lanes when directed.
Jump Carousel [🌟🌟]- Jumping over poles on a thing that spins. Just don't let the red pole catch up to you.
Shockwaves [🌟🌟]- Jumping over the shockwaves as they cross the arena.
Dodging Falling Things [🌟🌟] - Riding around while dodging what falls from the sky.
Shadow Seeker Dodging [🌟🌟] - Riding around while avoiding shadow seekers.
Catching a Runner (A new minigame) [🌟🌟🌟] - Staying near a orb that teleports awsy to drain it's power.

This also brings new daily missions, which I'm yet to unlock, but I'm thinking it's the same minigames, but in different locations around Jorvik, but harder since you only get one try per daily mission.

However, we do have an EPIC reward to look forward to: A Horse!

Umbra and Ayla

Next Update...
The next update day falls on April 1st, aka April Fools Day. This year's trick is.... *⚠SPOILER ALERT!⚠*






You've been shrinked!
So, if you don't want to have to ride a tiny tiny horse, skip April 1st and head on on the 2nd when things will be normal again!

Also the next part of Catherine's Diaries will be soon - Looks like I better find the ones I'm missing!

-Ruby Skywalker

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